Eres el visitante nº

sábado, 24 de marzo de 2012


By Estrella Soriano (3ºA).
Reviewed by Sara Cledera

To celebrate the 25th November against gender violence IES Nuestra Señora de la Estrella Secondary school has participated in a contest in Cordoba about literature with images called “Microrrelato and Haiku”The contest consisted of writing a short story or haiku where you had to include terms related to the theme and accompanied by illustrations. For the competition the school selected five works among all participants and sent to Córdoba. We did not have luck with our participation but these five selected were awarded by our school and were posted on two blogs:

Here are the works of the winners of this contest:

Miguel Galán (2º A)                                                                                       Rafael García (2º B)

                 Belén Navarro (2º B)                                                   Estrella del Rocío Delgado (2º C)

María del Rosario Porras (2º C)

Here you can see the selected authors for the contest of gender violence:(From left to right)
Estrella del Rocío (2ºC) Belén Navarro (2ºB) Mª del Rosario Porras (2ºC) Miguel Galán (2ºA) and Rafael García (2ºB)

And here you can see the two winners of the contest:
Belén Navarro (Haiku category) and Mª del Rosario (Microrrelato category)

viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012


By María Centella (3ºA).
Reviewed by Sara Cledera

In our school, we held a Christmas Card Contest in foreign language in English. The contest was to draw a Christmas card congratulating a friend and wish him or her Merry Christmas. Also in the Christmas card   we had to explain how Christmas are celebrated in Spain. All cards of all participants were exposed in the hall of   the school entitled it to adorn. In other part of the hall the four winning Christmas cards were presented. English department chose two winners of the first cycle (1st  and 2nd  of the ESO) and two winners of the second cycle (3rd and 4th ESO)

These are the names of the winners of this year's Christmas card contest:

1º Cycle:  Estrella Salguero (1º A),  Antonio Velasco (2º B) y Rafa García (2ºB)
2º Cycle: María Centella (3ºA),  Antonio Jesús Cochinero (3ºB)

English teachers of the department congratulated the winners in each of their classrooms by giving awards and co-winners recognized their work with applause.

Photo   of the Church of Villa del Rio at Christmas 2011

 Here's concluding this article I will briefly explain some of the customs that are celebrated at Christmas so you can better understand our holiday tradition. : Actually, Christmas in Villa del Rio differ little from the rest of the other Spanish cities.

People illuminate the main streets and the most important places in the centre of the town; in most homes and the town hall square we place a Nativity and Christmas tree.

These are the most important dates in the Spanish Christmas: 
• On 24 December, is usually made dinner with family at home. It's Christmas Eve and families we met and ate plenty of appetizers, soups, roasts, pies, ice cream and shortbread called “Mantecados”
• On 25 December, after a big meal, members of our family such as parents, grandparents are given to smaller "the aguilando" ", at least in most of the families is usually in the form of money.
• On 31 December, the party begins in a familiar way, when it reaches nearly 12.00 o’clock; the Spanish people eat twelve grapes of luck on behalf of each of the months of the year.

• On the night of January 5th day come the Three Wise Men, children tend to leave water in the balconies to give drink to the camels and go to bed early and sometimes, parents dress up at dawn to Kings surprise the children.
The next morning gifts (toys) are in the dining room. Home of the uncle and grandparents often leave gifts for children.

• The day on January 6 usually buy a "Roscón of Kings", a cake with a gift inside, part in portions, and whom he touched, he will  have a happy new year but  who would touch a bean he will have to pay the roscón.

jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012



By Miriam Calleja. (3º A)
Reviewed by Sara Cledera.

In this article we wanted to collect six Spanish singers who sing against sexism, abuse and gender violence. We have cited the authors and their songs. Moreover, we briefly explain the content of these songs. If you have a relaxing day do not hesitate to listen to these Spanish songs that help many women to open their minds and reporting abuse.

Luz Casal: A bouquet of roses (Un ramo de rosas)

The last to do a song dedicated to victims of gender violence is Luz Casal. One issue that speaks of a woman "doomed to suffer the infinite silence." "A fairy tale without a happy ending," explained the singer in a tribute to the 54 víctimas of sexism held in Madrid on November 25, 2011

Amaral: Run away (Salir corriendo)

The group Mano Amaral was one of the first Spanish band to denounce this violation of human rights. The song Run away, reads: "No one can keep all the water from the sea / In a glass / How many drops you need to drop / To see the tide grow? / How many times has made you smile? / This no way to live / How many tears can save / In your crystal glass? "

Malú and Manu Carrasco:That no street your truth (Que nadie calle tu verdad)

Manu Carrasco, unlike Amaral, has written one of the last songs that deal with gender violence, Nobody. A heartbreaking song and who plays with his friend Malu. The chorus reads: "Let no street your truth / that no one drowns the heart / anyone do more than mourn / sinking in silence / that no one forces you to death / cutting your wings to fly / to return your will to live" .

Hueco y Hanna: No more tears (Se acabaron las lágrimas) 

In 2009 the singer from Extremadura presented his song No more tears. To do this, to give more weight to the clip, was surrounded by many familiar characters. Including journalists such us Iñaki Gabilondo or Angels Barceló, former Minister of Equal or Bibiana Aido. "It's time to start walking / No more tears / is time to start to break your cage and walk," says the letter.

Bebe: Bad Person (Malo). 

Malo, the song that launched her to success Bebe, addresses gender-based on violence: "Once again, no, please, I'm tired / And I can not with the heart / Again no, my love, please / no shout, the children are sleeping (...) ".

Andy y Lucas: And in your Window (Y en tu ventana)

The duo Andy and Lucas also has among its repertoire one of the most heartbreaking letters about this social problem that affects women of all classes and condition. The most beautiful piece of it (And in your window) reads: "What would I / By change fears for a star / Where no hits live alone / What would I / For stopping the clock at dawn / To  sleep quietly and alone. "

martes, 20 de marzo de 2012


By Nuria Lendínez. (3º A).
Reviewed by Sara Cledera. 

In this article I will explain what we did in our weeks of tutoring to celebrate the day against gender violence held on 25 November. 
Firstly, 1st  of ESO watched the film Buddha Collapsed out of Shame: and  students had a reflection and did activities performed on the film. This is the argument of this interesting film: 

Under the statue of Buddha destroyed by the Taliban, thousands of families still live. Baktay, a six-year old Afghan girl, is goaded into going to school for the child of her neighbours, who reads the scripts in front of his cave. The initial problem is that  Baktay has not got any notebook and pen. For the book should find a living, such as pencil, decides to take the lipstick from her mother, causing some children, pretending to be Taliban, decide to stone her. 

The village children playing war with branches posing as rifles and comets represent fighter jets. In this game, the stones are real. When Baktay trap, there are three other girls locked in a cave. The reasons for retaining range from saying that a girl should not go to school or who have small eyes too pretty. Reflect the violent society in which they live their elders. 


On the other hand, the courses of 2nd, 3rd  4th  of ESO and 1st and 2nd PCPI went to the audiovisual room and watched five short films. These films were awarded nationally and were written by teenagers and staged by famous Spanish actors and actresses and also well known directors. All films reflected somehow, the idea of fighting against gender violence. To work more deeply in the short we did pre-viewing activities and then reflected on the activities of each short film:

These are images and short films names:

First prize: "Live or Die", Ángeles González Sinde. Guión: Lluc Puig Codina / IES Cardedeu Ses - Barcelona. 

Second prize: "Never too late to assert yourself", Grace Querejeta.Guión: Bianca Ancares Diaz / CEB Cerredo - Asturias. 

Third prize: "Unreason", Daniel Guzmán.Guión: Marta Blanco Fernandez / IES Carlos Casares de Viana do Bolo - Ourense. 

Fourth prize: "Without a second thought", Chus Gutiérrez. Guión: M ª Luisa Martínez Segarra, Sarai Hernandez Ferrer, Maria Dolores Olivares Vincent / IES Carrús of Elche - Alicante. 

Fifth prize: "Under the Hood", Martha and Jesus Belaustegui Ruiz.Guión: Ceballán Alvaro Gomez, Celia Berlinches Mata, Lydia Molina Cuesta / IES Gaspar Sanz de Meco - Madrid. 

Finally, each class prepared and wrote a “manifesto” commitment and read it on November 25 in order to fight against gender violence. 

domingo, 18 de marzo de 2012

Entrega de Placas Comenius

El pasado 8 de marzo del 2012, en el IES Averroes de Córdoba hubo un encuentro de todos los Institutos de Educación Secundaria y Colegios de Educación Primaria que cuentan con un Programa, Bilateral o Multilateral, Comenius. La delegada de Educación de Córdoba, Dª Antonia Reyes Silas que presidió el acto, eligió el IES Averroes como reconocimiento a la labor que lleva desarrollando en  Convivencia (Premio andaluz a la Promoción de la Cultura de la Paz y la Convivencia Escolar, 2.012).
En dicho acto, donde se hizo entrega a los participantes de una placa que reconoce el trabajo que se está realizando, Dª Antonia Reyes animó a todo el profesorado presente a que continúe trabajando por la difusión de los idiomas en el sistema educativo cordobés y de la ciudadanía europea. Por nuestro instituto asistió la coordinadora Dª Encarnación Sarmiento.

Encuentro de la delegada de Educación con los IES y CEIP de la provincia de Córdoba  que desarrollan un Programa Comenius. 

sábado, 17 de marzo de 2012

Révolution Française

Los alumnos de 4º ESO del IES Ntra. Sra. de la Estrella, han realizado para la asignatura de Historia, impartida por la profesora Dª Josefa Cobos, unos trabajos dedicados a la Revolución Francesa. Éste ha sido dirigido y editado por Antonio Soto y David Salguero e interpretado, en lengua francesa,  por Rocío Cámara, Azahara Díaz, Juan Jesús Delgado, María Gómez, Nerea Ramos y Juan Miguel Yedres.

Activité Sportive des élevès de la Association

Rocío Cámara, Azahara Díaz et Elena Galán.
Élèves de 4ºA.
Revisé par Josefa Cobos et Juan F. Cortés.

Premier Trimestre.
Les élèves de l'association I. E.S. Nuestra Señora de la Estrella, avons organisé une activité sportive.
       Tous les élèves faisent des groupes de cinq  personnes et nous avons joué au fotball ou au basket et au volley-ball ; on  s'est bien amusé, tous les groupes se sont fait leurs propres maillots.
       Nous avons fait des  photos pour la plateforme du lycée et pour le tuenti de l'association, chaque joueur a dû payer 0'50€ euros pour les voyages de l'association.

Lauri, Elena Salido, Soraya, Ana, Rocío et Mary.

martes, 13 de marzo de 2012



En Villa del Río existe un grupo de “Amigos del Pueblo Saharaui” que recoge alimentos para aliviar las duras condiciones de vida de este pueblo norteafricano.
Con motivo de la celebración del día de la Paz, nuestro instituto ha colaborado con ellos en la recogida de alimentos no perecederos. Para ello, se ha realizado un concurso solidario, en la que se ha elegido la clase que más alimentos ha aportado.
El grupo de 2º B ha sido el ganador. ¡Felicidades, chicos!


À Villa del Río, il y a un groupe appelé “Amigos del Pueblo Saharaui” qui cueille de la norriture a fin d´améliorer les dures conditions de vie du ce peuple nordafricain.
            À l´occasion du jour de la Paix, notre lycée a contribué en cueillant des aliments pas périssable. On a organisé un concours solidaire pour choisir la classe qui apporte le máximum.
            Le groupe de 2º ESO B  a gagné. ¡Félicitations!